The year that did not go as planned as, alongside our fellow theatres, we cancelled performances and closed our doors on 16th March in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Comedy About A Bank Robbery's last performance on the 15th March 2020 ended it's hugely successful run of four years - 1682 performances and 1682 thefts of that diamond!
We are hugely grateful for the assistance the Arts Council has given through The Cultural Recovery Grant Fund. With no alternative source of income this invaluable grant funding will enable the Trust to reopen in the Spring of 2021 and has enabled us to re-launch in January 2021, initially online, the Criterion New Writing Programme.
We look forward to when we can re-open our doors, and hear laughter and applause once more echoing through our theatre.
Opening with 100 performances of ‘Topsyturveydom’ by WS Gilbert & Alfred Cellier in 1874 to today’s hit show by Mischief Theatre Company ‘The Comedy About a Bank Robbery’.
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